Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

 Hello, my lovely students. How are you today? I hope that you and your family are always fine. The following are the answers of the task last week (Halo, para peserta didikku yang menyenangkan. Apa kabar hari ini. Semoga kalian dan keluarga kalian selalu baik. Berikut ini jawaban tugas pekan lalu)

1.     We must drive on the left side in Indonesia (obligation)

2.     We should not arrive in the airport early in case there are delays (suggestion)

3.     We must be seventeen to drive a car in the United Kingdom (obligation)

4.     Students must complete a lot of exams, study, and training to be a doctor.(obligation)

5.     We must  show our passport or identity card to get on a plane (obligation)

6.     You should always get enough sleep before driving (suggestion)

7.     You must not use your mobile phone during exams (prohibition)

8.     You should call the emergency services if you just have a cold (suggestion)

9.     You should rest and drink a lot of water if you have a cold (suggestion)

10.   mustn’t-anyone-tell-you: You mustn’t tell anyone

11.   must-we-be-early-there : we must be early there.

12.   remember-call-to-must-i-dad : I must remember to call dad.

13.   try-fruit-should-salad-this-you : you should try this fruit salad.

14.   class-mustn’t-late-be-for-you : you mustn’t be late for class

15.  some-get-trainers-you-new-should : you should get some new trainers

In this session you are going to practice completing dialogues. However, you are also going to practice identifying expressions of obligation, prohibition, and advice/suggestion. Click the link below to get the task.

( Dalam sesi ini kalian akan berlatih melengkapi dialog. Namun, kalian juga akan berlatih mengidentifikasi ungkapan keharusan/kewajiban, larangan, dan saran/himbauan. Klik tautan di bawah ini untuk mengakses tugas tersebut)

Keharusan, Larangan, Himbauan: Completing dialogues

