more about pronoun and possessive

Hi, guys. How are you today? Hope you are great. Last Monday we learned pronoun and possessive. Today we are still going to deal with the topic, because some of us are still confused. In this session more explanation about the use of pronoun is presented. Hopefully, it will make you understand more about how to use pronoun and possessive. So, please click the following link. 

pronoun and possessive

After reading the learning material, you are required to do 3 exercises to check your understanding about the lesson. Write your answer in the comment column. In order to open the comment column, please click the title "more about pronoun and possessive". Then write your answer in it. DON'T FORGET TO WRITE YOUR NAME AND YOUR CLASS. And remember that your comment shows presence in this class. (Setelah membaca bahan pembelajaran, kalian diminta mengerjakan latihan untuk mengecek pemahaman kalian. Tuliskan jawaban kalian di kolom komentar. Untuk membukan kolom komentar, silakan klik judul "more about pronoun and possessive". Kemudian tuliskan jawaban kalian di dalamnya. JANGAN LUPA MENULISKAN NAMA DAN KELAS. Dan ingat bahwa komentar kalian menunjukkan kehadiran kalian)


  1. Nama:Hani Syifa Agustin
    No absen:16

  2. Replies
    1. 2.Dia is a runner.her can run very fast.her achievements are great.her mother is proud of her
      3.Yesterday our went to a zoo our saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted our attention.its was very cute.its took its baby in its pouch.its want to see our again some time in the future. have a friend.her name is Dita.her comes from Lombok.her lives near my house. my often go with her

  3. Nama: Ni'matul Khoiriyah Indiyaningsih
    No absen:21

  4. Devita septina sari
    Kelas :7d

  5. Nama; Yasmin Fauzia quratul Aini
    Kelas; 7D
    No Absen; 34

  6. Tito haifan rijal
    KelS : 7A
    No.absen :30

  7. Nama: Shine Keyko Roumansen
    Kelas: 7C
    No. Absen: 30

  8. Replies
    1. 2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are grat. His mother is pround of him.
      3.Yesterday we went to a zoo we saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pounch.We want to see they again some time in the future.
      4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

    2. Nama:Dea ayu widyaningsih

      2.Diam is runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of him

      3.yesterdey we went to a zoo.We saw many kinds of animals.A.kangoroo attracted.They was very cute.They again some time in the future

      4.I have afriend.Her name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near my house.I of tengo with her

  9. Arfanyulfianto

  10. Nama:Kaila Jessica Anastasia

  11. Alvino Bevan Putra Perdana
    Kelas : 7A
    No Absen :4

    1. 2.Dian is a runner,she can run very fat,her achievements are great,her mother is proud of,her
      3.yesterdag,we went to a zoo,we
      saw many kind of animals. A kansaroo attracted,we attentran,it was very cute,it took,her baby in,her pooch,we wont to see,it again some time in the future
      4.i haven a friend.she name is Dita.she comes frim lombok.she lives near my house i often go with her

  12. Nama:Alfian Yuda Pratama

  13. Nama : Marza Liana
    No Absen :15

  14. Nama : Irhan Abisena
    Kelas : 7D
    No :17

  15. Nama:Zaskia Nanda Hamidah
    No A:32

  16. Name:Vicktoria Renata
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of Him.
    3.Yesterday We went to a zoo We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted Our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pouch.We want to see They again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  17. Nama :Indhy Marchella
    No . :17

  18. Nama:Kaka Fajar Arya
    No absen:18

  19. Nama:Kaka Fajar Arya
    No absen:18

  20. Nama:Kaka Fajar Arya
    No absen:18

  21. Nama :Viyan Ardhita Suranto
    No :33

  22. Nama:Adam Yasjudan Dhiaulhaq

  23. Nama.Putri Febriana.clas 24

  24. Nama Wisnu Satria Nugraha kelas 7B absen 31

  25. Nama : Dhini lintang andani
    No. :11

  26. Nama:Dwi indah lestari

  27. Nama : Felia Febriyanti
    Kelas: 7B
    No : 14

  28. Nama : Fadila azahratun jannah
    Kelas :7 D
    No absen : 14

    1. Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of Him.
      3.Yesterday We went to a zoo We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted Our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pouch.We want to see They again some time in the future.
      4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  29. Nama: vadela Octa vitria
    No absen: 31
    Kelas: 7C

  30. Nama : Aidah Qusnul Qotimah
    Kelas : 7C
    No.absen : 2

  31. Nama: Rianti fortuna

  32. Miftahul rizky prasetyaAugust 10, 2020 at 9:42 AM

    Nama:Miftahul rizky prasetya

  33. Nama :winvensen Avrizeight Kalyana langgeng
    No :30

  34. Nama:Navizka shyam syavalia

  35. Nama:Anisa Ramadhani

  36. Nama:Anisa Ramadhani

  37. Nama: Noviana Gita putri wardani

  38. Replies
    1. 2.Dian is a Runner.she can run very fast. Her achievement are great.Her mother ia proud of her.
      3. Yesterday we went to a zoo.we Saw many kinds of animals.A kangooro attracted our wae very tool ITS baby in ITS pouch.we want to see it again some time in the future.
      4.I have a friend. her name is dita.she comes from lombok.she lives near My house.I often go with her.

    2. Nama: Winda novelia
      No absen:31
      2.Dian is a Runner .He can run very fast his achievements are grat,its mother
      3.yes ter day we went to a zoo .we saw many kinds of animals.A kanggoro attention.they was very cute .its took it baby in ther pouch .we want to see its again some time in the future.
      4.have a name is Dita .she coments from Lombok.she lives near mh house.l often go with she.

  39. Nama. :MIKO FERI Cahyo Saputra
    No absen:18
    Kelas. :7D
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of Him.
    3.Yesterday We went to a zoo We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted Our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pouch.We want to see They again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  40. nama:Putri Febriana.
    no :24
    2.Dian is a runer.He can run very fast.His achievements are grat.Its mother is proud of him.
    3.Yesterday We went to a zoo. we saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attaracted We attention. They was very cute.Its took it baby in their pouch.We want to see its again some time in the future.
    4.I have a freind.My name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with she.

  41. nama:Putri Febriana.
    no :24
    2.Dian is a runer.He can run very fast.His achievements are grat.Its mother is proud of him.
    3.Yesterday We went to a zoo. we saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attaracted We attention. They was very cute.Its took it baby in their pouch.We want to see its again some time in the future.
    4.I have a freind.My name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with she.

  42. Nama:Nisrina Zulfa Aulia
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of him.
    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo.We Saw many kinds of aminals.A kangoroo attracted our attention.It was very cute.It took its baby in it pouch.We want to see it again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with her.

  43. Nama:Sekar fajar indah kurniasari
    no absen :29

  44. Nama:miftahul rizky prasetya
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast his achievements are grat.its mother is proud of him.
    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo.We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attaracted we attention. They was very cute.its took it baby in their pouch.we want to see its again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.My name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near mh house.I often go with she.

  45. Nama:gelora bangkit andhono warih
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast his achievements are grat.its mother is proud of him.
    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo.We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attaracted we attention. They was very cute.its took it baby in their pouch.we want to see its again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.My name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near mh house.I often go with she.

  46. Nama:Annisa Fitri Nugrahita
    No : 08
    Kelas :7D
    Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of Him.
    3.Yesterday We went to a zoo We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted Our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pouch.We want to see They again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  47. Nama : kaila jessica anastasia
    Kelas :7A
    No. Absen : 13


    1. Andi mempunyai seorang adik. Adik dia seorang penari balet. Dia sangat menyayangi dia.
    Andi has a younger sister. ... sister is a ballet dancer. ..... likes .......very much.
    Andi has a younger sister. His sister is a ballet dancer. He likes her very much.

    2. Dian seorang pelari. Dia dapat berlari sangat cepat. Prestasi dia luar biasa. Ibu dia bangga pada dia.
    Dian is a runner. She can run very fast. Her achievements are great. Her mother is proud of her.

    3. Kemarin kami pergi ke kebun binatang. Kami melihat beraneka macam binatang. Seekor kanguru menarik perhatian kami. Dia sangat imut. Dia membawa anak dia di kantong dia. Kami ingin melihat dia lagi suatu saat nanti.
    Yesterday we went to a zoo. We saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted us attention. It was very cute. It took it baby in its pouch. We want to see it again some time in the future.

    4. Saya punya seorang teman. Nama dia Dita. Dia berasal dari Lombok. Dia tinggal di dekat rumah saya. Saya sering pergi dengan dia.
    I have a friend. Her name is Dita. She comes from Lombok. She lives near my house. I often go with her.

  48. Nama: Raditya Daffa Rahmatulloh
    No absen:23

    1. 2.dian is runer he can run Fery fast hist acrocyrtidus are great motherhis motherhis aurond hos
      3.yesterdey we stengah atau zoo
      4.i heve afrindher name is Dita she come from my housei often go white her

  49. Nama: vadela Octa vitria
    Kelas: 7C
    No absen: 31


    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast his achievements are grat.its mother is proud of him.
    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo.We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attaracted we attention. They was very cute.its took it baby in their pouch.we want to see its again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.My name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near mh house.I often go with she.

  50. Nama:David kurnia ramadhan
    2.Dian isa runner .he can run veey fast his achievements are grat.its mother is proud of him
    3.yesterday we went to a zoo.we saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attaracted we attention.tehy eas very cute.its took it baby in their pouch.we want to see its again some time in the future.
    4. Have a name is dita.she comes from lombok.she lives near mh house.l often go with she.

  51. Sekar fajar indah kurniasari
    2.dian is a runner.he can run very fast.hist achievement are great .his mother is around of him .
    3.yesterday we sent to a zoo we saw many kids of animal.a kangoroo att racted our atention.they wes very cute .they took there baby in their pouch . We want to see they again some time in the future
    4.i have a friend.her name is dita .she come from lombok . She lives besar my house.i often go with her.

  52. Replies
    1. Nama tegar wahyu saputro no29kls 7a

    2. Nama tegar wahyu saputro
      No 29
      Kls 7a
      2.dian is runer he can run fery fast hist Acrocyrtidus are great motherhis motherhis aurond his
      3.yesterday we stengah atau zoo
      4.i have afrindher name is dita she cone from lombok she livers besar my housei often go white her

  53. Nama:Nabila febriyanti
    No. Absen:22

    2.Dian is runner.He can run very fast his achhievement are grat. Its mother is proud of him.
    3.yesterday we went to a zoo. We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attaracted we attention.They was very cute.its took it aga

    1. Its took its baby in their pouch. We want to see its again some time in the future.
      4. Have a friend.her name is dita. She comes from lombok. She lives near mh house. I often go with her.

    2. Its took its baby in their pouch. We want to see its again some time in the future.
      4. Have a friend.her name is dita. She comes from lombok. She lives near mh house. I often go with her.

    3. Nama Shafina Eka Arshanti
      kelas 7B
      No 26

  54. Nama: Affan Safani Adham
    No Apsen:2

  55. Nama: destria langga exello
    Kelas: 7A
    No :9

    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast his achievements are grat.its mother is proud of him.
    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo.We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attaracted we attention. They was very cute.its took it baby in their pouch.we want to see its again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.My name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near mh house.I often go with she.

  56. Nama:Elisa Ayu Tiara

    2.Dian is a runner, he can run very fast.his a chievement are great,his mother is pround of him.
    3.yesterday we went to a zoo,we saw many kinds of animals a.a kangaroo attaracted we attention it was very cute, it took its it pouch we want to see its again some time in the future.
    4.i have a friend she name is dita.She comes from lombok her lives near my house.I often go with she.

  57. Nama: Affan Safani Adham
    No Apsen:2

  58. 1. Andi groups together with friends
    2.Andi after work Andi's group sleeps

  59. Nama:Rasyid Abdan Naafi

    1. 2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast his achievements are grat.its mother is proud of him.
      3.Yesterday we went to a zoo.We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attaracted we attention. They was very cute.its took it baby in their pouch.we want to see its again some time in the future.
      4.I have a friend.My name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near mh house.I often go with she.

  60. Nama:Felia Febriyanti
    No absen:14
    2. Dian is a runer.He can run very fast.His ashievements are grat.Its mother is proud of him.
    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo.We saw many kinds of aminals.A kangoroo attracted our attention.They was very cute.Its took it baby in it pouch.we want to see it again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with her.

  61. Nama : Septiana Rahmadani
    Kelas: 7c
    No absen : 29

  62. Nama:Anisa Ramadhani
    2. Dian is a runner. He cantik Eun very fast. He achievements are great. He mother is proud of him.
    3. Yesterday we want to a Soo. We saw many kinds of animals. A kanggoroo atracted us attention. It was very cut .it took its baby it pauch. We want to see its again some time in the future.
    4. I have a friend. Her name is Dita. He comes from lombok. It e live near my house. I often go out with him.

  63. Name: Aisyah
    Class: 7B
    no. absent : 03

    2. Dian is a runner. He can very fast. His achievement are great. He mother is proud of she.

    3. Yesterday we went to a zoo. Our saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted we attention. It's was very cute

  64. Nama:winvensen Avrizeight kalyana langgeng
    2. Dian is a runner. She can run very fast. Her achievements are great. Her mother is proud of her.
    3. Yesterday, we went to a zoo. We saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted our attention. It was very cute. It took its baby in its pouch. We want to see it again sometime in the future.
    4. I have a friend . Her name is Dita. She comes from Lombok. She lives near my house. I often go with her.

  65. Name: Aisyah
    Class: 7B
    No. Absent : 03

    1. Dian is a runner. He can very fast. His achievement are great. He mother is proud of she.

    2. Yesterday we went to a zoo. Our saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted we attention. Its was very cute. Its tool it baby in its pouch. We want to see its again some time in the future.

    3. I have a friend. She name is Dita. She comes from Lombok. Her lives near my house. I often go with she.

  66. Nama :Zaskia Nanda Hamidah
    No A : 32

    2.Dian is a runner. He can run very fast. His achievements are great. His mother is proud of him.

    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo. We saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted our attention. It was very cute. It took it baby in its pouch. We want to see it again some time in the future.

    4.I have a friend. Her name is Dita. She comes from Lombok. She lives near my house. I often go with her

  67. Nama:alkhafiki surya wibowo
    No a:06

    1. Dian is a runner. He can very fast. His achievement are great. He mother is proud of she.

    2. Yesterday we went to a zoo. Our saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted we attention. Its was very cute. Its tool it baby in its pouch. We want to see its again some time in the future.

    3. I have a friend. She name is Dita. She comes from Lombok. Her lives near my house. I often go with she.

  68. Nama:Mutia Aziizah
    Kelas: 7B
    Nomor absen:22

    Jawab :

    2. Dian seorang pelari.Dia bisa berlari sangat cepat.Prestasinya luar biasa.Ibunya bangga padanya .

    3. Kami kemarin pergi ke kebun binatang.Kami melihat banyak binatang.Seekor kanguru menarik perhatian kami. Dia sangat lucu . Dia membawa bayinya ke dalam kantongnya.Kami ingin melihatnya lagi suatu saat nanti.

    4.Saya punya teman. Namanya Dita. Dia berasal dari Lombok . Ia tinggal di dekat rumah saya . Saya sering pergi bersamanya.

  69. Nama : Harun bayu prabowo
    Kelas : 7D
    No.Absen : 16
    Jawaban :
    2. Dian seorang pelari. Dia bisa berlari sangat cepat. Prestasinya luar biasa. Ibunya bangga padanya.
    3. Kemarin, kami pergi ke kebun binatang. Kami melihat banyak jenis binatang. Seekor kangguru menarik perhatian kami. Itu sangat lucu. Ia membawa bayinya ke dalam kantongnya. Kami ingin melihatnya lagi di masa mendatang.
    4. Saya punya teman. Namanya Dita. Dia berasal dari Lombok. Dia tinggal di dekat rumah saya. Saya sering pergi bersamanya.

  70. Name:Navizka shyam syavalia
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are grat.His mother is pround of him.
    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo we saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted our attention.They in their pouneh.They took there baby in their pouneh.we want to see they again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from lombok.she lives near my house.I often go with Her

  71. 2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are grat. His mother is pround of him.
    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo we saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pounch.We want to see they again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  72. 2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are grat. His mother is pround of him.
    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo we saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pounch.We want to see they again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  73. Name:fadhilah akbar as'ari
    No:13 2)Dian is a runner.she can run very fast.her achievements ore great.she mother is proud of her

    3) yesterday we went to zoo. We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted us was very cute.they look their baby in it's pouch.we want to see theirs again some time in the future

    4) I have a friend.she name is dita.she comes from lombok.she lives near my house.I often go with her.

  74. Nama:Celvin albiansyah

    jawab: 2) Dia is a runner He can run very fast He achievements are great His monther is proud of Him

    3) yesterday We wenth to azoo We saw many kinds of animals,A kanggoro attracted We attention they was very cute its took it baby in their pouch We wonth tosee Its again some time in the future

    4) I have afriend MY name is Dita She comes from lombok She lives near My house I often go with He.

  75. Jawab:2)Dia is a Runner He can run very fast He achievements are great His monther is proud of Him
    3) yesterday we wanth to azoo we Saw many kinds of animals,A kanggoro attracted we attention they was very cute ist took it baby in their pouch we wonth tose lts again some time in the future

  76. Nama: Ardiyana Pandu perdana
    2)Dian is a runner he can run very
    fasc he achievements are great his monther is proud of him

    3)yesterday we wenth to azoo we saw many kinf of animals, a kanggoro attracted we attention they was very cute ist took it baby in their pouch we wonth tosee its angain some time in the future

    4)i have afriend she name My dita she vomes from lombok she lives near my house I often go with he

  77. Nama: Nabil Valentino Jody

    2.Dian is a runner he can run very
    fasc he achievements are great his monther is proud of him

    3.yesterday we wenth to azoo we saw many kinf of animals, a kanggoro attracted we attention they was very cute ist took it baby in their pouch we wonth tosee its angain some time in the future

    4.i have afriend she name My dita she vomes from lombok she lives near my house I often

  78. Nama : Irhan Abisena
    Kelas : 7D
    Absen : 17
    Jawaban :
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are grat. His mother is pround of him.
    3.yesterday we wenth to azoo we saw many kinf of animals, a kanggoro attracted we attention they was very cute ist took it baby in their pouch we wonth tosee its angain some time in the future.
    4.i have afriend she name My dita she vomes from lombok she lives near my house I often go with he

  79. Nama:Nirza Rizaina Putri
    2.Dia is a runner.her can run very fast.her achievements are great.her mother is proud of her
    3.Yesterday our went to a zoo our saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted our attention.its was very cute.its took its baby in its pouch.its want to see our again some time in the future. have a friend.her name is Dita.her comes from Lombok.her lives near my house. my often go with her

  80. Nama:tegar rafif maulana
    Kelas: 7D

  81. Nama:Marza Liana
    No Absen:15
    2.Dia is a runner.her can run very fast.her achievements are great.her mother is proud of her
    3.Yesterday our went to a zoo our saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted our attention.its was very cute.its took its baby in its pouch.its want to see our again some time in the future. have a friend.her name is Dita.her comes from Lombok.her lives near my house. my often go with her


    2)Dian is a Runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are grat.His mother is prodund of Him.

    3) yesterday we wenth to a zoo we sawmany king of animals,a kanggoro attracted Their was very cute.we tool we baby in their pouch we wonth tosee its angain some time in the future.
    4).i have afriend she name My dita she vomes from lombok she lives near my house I often go with he

  83. Nama:akhdan hanif maulana

    Jawaban:2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast his achievements are grat.its mother is proud of him.
    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo.We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attaracted we attention. They was very cute.its took it baby in their pouch.we want to see its again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.My name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near mh house.I often go with she.

  84. Name: Keyza Nafisha
    No: 19
    Class: 7B

    2.Diam is runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of him.

    3.yesterdey we went to a zoo.We saw many kinds of animals.A.kangoroo attracted.They was very cute.They again some time in the future.

    4.I have afriend.Her name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near my house.I of tengo with her.

  85. Nama: Raditya Daffa Rahmatulloh

  86. Name:Dhini lintang andani
    2.Dian is a runner. He can run very fast. His achievements are great. His mother is proud of him.

    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo. We saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted our attention. It was very cute. It took it baby in its pouch. We want to see it again some time in the future.

    4.I have a friend. Her name is Dita. She comes from Lombok. She lives near my house. I often go with her

    1. Nama:Septiana Rahmadani
      No absen:29
      2.Dian is a runner. He can run very fast. His achievements are great. His mother is proud of him.

      3.Yesterday we went to a zoo. We saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted our attention. It was very cute. It took it baby in its pouch. We want to see it again some time in the future.

      4.I have a friend. Her name is Dita. She comes from Lombok. She lives near my house. I often go with her

  87. Nama:Suny Nur Bashirah
    No Absen:28
    1.Dian is a runner. He can run very fast. His achievements are great. His mother is proud of him.

    2.Yesterday we went to a zoo. We saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted we attention. It was very cute. It took its baby in it pouch. Our want to see it again some time in the future.

    3.I have a friend. Her name is Dita. Her comes from Lombok. She lives near my house. I often go with her.

  88. Nama : Aidah Qusnul Qotimah
    Kelas : 7C
    No.absen: 2

    2.Dian is a runner. He can run very fast. His achievements are great. His mother is proud of him.

    3.Yesterday we went to a zoo. We saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted our attention. It was very cute. It took it baby in its pouch. We want to see it again some time in the future.

    4.I have a friend. Her name is Dita. She comes from Lombok. She lives near my house. I often go with her

  89. Nama:fauzan arya nugraha
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of Him.
    3.Yesterday We went to a zoo We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted Our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pouch.We want to see They again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  90. Nama:Elga Putri Razya Aprilita
    No absen:12
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of Him.
    3.Yesterday We went to a zoo We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted Our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pouch.We want to see They again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  91. Nama:Adam Yasjudan Dhiaulhaq

    2.Diam is runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of him

    3.yesterdey we went to a zoo.We saw many kinds of animals.A.kangoroo attracted.They was very cute.They again some time in the future

    4.I have afriend.Her name is Dita.She comes from Lombok.She lives near my house.I of tengo with her

  92. Nama : Alief Aqila Putratama Suwasdi
    No absen : 4
    Kelas : 7D

  93. Nama Wisnu Satria Nugraha, kelas 7B absen 31.1)Andi has a younger sister. His sister ia A ballet dancer he.her very much.2)Dian ia A runner hers.can run very fast she.achievements are great her.monther is proud of her.3) yesterday we.went to a zoo we.saw many kids of animals.a kangoroo attracted our.alttetntion it. Was very cute it.took in its. pouch its want to see we.4)I have a friend is Dita she.comes from Lombok she lives near I.often go with her.

  94. Nama:Tri Juliana
    Absen: 29
    Kelas : 7b
    1.andi has a younger sister his sister ia a ballet dancer. He likes her very much
    2. Dian ia an Runner he can run very fast his achevements are great his mother is proud of him
    3. Yesterday we went to a zoo we Saw many kinds of animals. A kanggoroo attracted our attention it was very cute ,it took it baby in its . Pouch we want tu see,it again some time in the furute
    4.i have a fried , her name ia Dita ,she comes from Lombok she lives near my house i often go with her

  95. Nama : Alief Aqila Putratama Suwasdi
    No : 4
    Kelas :7D

    Jawaban :
    2. Dian seorang pelari. Dia dapat berlari sangat cepat. Prestasi dia luar biasa. Ibu dia bangga pada dia.
    Jawab = Dian is a runner. She can run very fast. Her achievements are great. Her mother is proud of her.
    3. Kemarin kami pergi ke kebun binatang. Kami melihat beraneka macam binatang. Seekor kanguru menarik perhatian kami. Dia sangat imut. Dia membawa anak dia di kantong dia. Kami ingin melihat dia lagi suatu saat nanti.
    Jawab= Yesterday we went to a zoo. We saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted our attention. They was very cute. They took their baby in they pouch. We want to see them again some time in the future.
    4. Saya punya seorang teman. Nama dia Dita. Dia berasal dari Lombok. Dia tinggal di dekat rumah saya. Saya sering pergi dengan dia.
    Jawab = I have a friend. Her name is Dita. She comes from Lombok. She lives near my house. I often go with her.

  96. Name shafina eka arshanti
    kelas 7B
    No 26
    1 andy has a younger sister his sister a ballet dancer,He likes her very much
    2 dian ia an runner he can run vary fast his achevements are greet his mother is proud of him
    3 yesterday we went to a zoo we sway many kinds of animals a kanggoro attrachtour our anttetion it was very cute,it took it baby in the furute
    4 i have a fried ,her name ia is dita ,she comes from lombok she liver near my house i often go with her

  97. Name shafina eka arshanti
    kelas 7B
    No 26
    1 andy has a younger sister his sister a ballet dancer,He likes her very much
    2 dian ia an runner he can run vary fast his achevements are greet his mother is proud of him
    3 yesterday we went to a zoo we sway many kinds of animals a kanggoro attrachtour our anttetion it was very cute,it took it baby in the furute
    4 i have a fried ,her name ia is dita ,she comes from lombok she liver near my house i often go with her

  98. Nama:maria renata puspa kinanthi

    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of Him.
    3.Yesterday We went to a zoo We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted Our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pouch.We want to see They again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  99. Nama: tito hai dan rijal sukmawan
    Kls : 7A
    NO. A : 30

     Dian is a runner. He can very fast. His achievement are great. He mother is proud of she.

    2. Yesterday we went to a zoo. Our saw many kinds of animals. A kangoroo attracted we attention. Its was very cute. Its tool it baby in its pouch. We want to see its again some time in the future.

    3. I have a friend. She name is Dita. She comes from Lombok. Her lives near my house. I often go with she.

  100. Nama:Salsabilla citra nurlia
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of Him.
    3.Yesterday We went to a zoo We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted Our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pouch.We want to see They again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  101. Nama: Noviana Gita putri wardani
    No.Absen: 24
    2.Dian is a runner.He can run very fast.His achievements are great.His mother is proud of Him.
    3.Yesterday We went to a zoo We saw many kinds of animals.A kangoroo attracted Our attention.They wes very cute.They took there baby in their pouch.We want to see They again some time in the future.
    4.I have a friend.Her name is Dita.She come from Lombok.She lives near my house.I often go with Her.

  102. Yefta Guruh Asmoro Sejati
    No absen:32
    2.Dian is a runner.he can run very fast.his achievments are great.his mother is proud of him.
    3.yesterday we went toa zoo,we Saw many kindsof animals.a kangoroo attracted our attention.they was very cute.thet took there baby in their pouch.we want to see they again sometime in the future.
    4.i have a friend,her name is Dita.she come from Lombok.she lives near my house.i often go with her.

  103. nama:slega Rahayuning Tyas
    2. Dian is a runner. He cantik Eun very fast. He achievements are great. He mother is proud of him.
    3. Yesterday we want to a Soo. We saw many kinds of animals. A kanggoroo atracted us attention. It was very cut .it took its baby it pauch. We want to see its again some time in the future.
    4. I have a friend. Her name is Dita. He comes from lombok. It e live near my house. I often go out with him.

  104. name;bayu dirga mukti
    2.dian is a runner.she can run fast.her achiekemen her mother is prund of her.
    3.yesterdAy he went to a zoo hesaw many kinds of animals .a kanggoro attracted his took his baby in his pouch his want to see we again some time in the future. have a friend his name is dita his comes from lombok his lives near me house me often go with his.

