A)   Fill in the blanks with Past Simple Tense.
     This weekend ---1 ( be ) great for Karen. She ---2 ( be going to fly ) to London with her best friend, Dorothy. They ---3 ( plan ) every detail. They ---4 ( want ) a  perfect holiday. They ---5 ( buy ) their ticket two weeks 
      ago. They ---6 ( search ) the hotels on the net, they     
     ---7 ( do ) shopping. Everything ---8 ( be ) ready and
    their holiday ---9 ( begin ) with a perfect flight.
           They ---10 ( arrive ) at London Heathrow Airport  early in the morning. They ---11 ( take ) the bus from the airport to the hotel, ---12 ( look ) at the places. They ---13 ( come ) to the hotel. The hotel ---14 ( be ) lovely and surrounded with huge trees. They ---15 ( be ) both tired after the trip, so they ---16 ( decide ) to have a nap. They ---17 ( take ) the sightseeing bus and ---18 ( enjoy ) it. The bus trip ---19 ( last ) for about two hours and they ---20 ( be ) hungry. They ---21 ( get off ) the bus and ---22 ( go ) a restaurant. They ---23 ( have ) a great dinner there. After dinner, they ---24 ( go ) back to the hotel. It ---25 ( be ) a tiring day but they ---26 ( not - want ) to stay at the hotel. They ---27 ( relax ) for an hour and ---28 ( go ) out.
          Next day, they ---29 ( get ) up early and ---30 ( have ) breakfast in a café near the bridge. The tiring and exciting tour ---31 ( begin ) again. They ---32 ( do ) the shopping. They ---33 ( visit ) the museums and ---34 ( take ) some photos.
          They ---35 ( have ) to turn back. They ---36 ( arrive ) at the airport and      ---37 ( fly ) to their hometown. It ---38 ( be ) a wonderful holiday.

B) Answer the questions.
1)   Where did Karen and Dorothy go? -------------------------------------------
2)   When did they take their tickets? ------------------------------------------. 
3)   What did they do before the trip? ----------------------------------------
4)   Where did they arrive first? --------------------------------------------.
5)   What did they do when they came to hotel? ---------------------------------.
6)   Where did they have a dinner? ------------------------------------------.
7)   Did they stay at the hotel after dinner? --------------------------------------.
8)   What was the hotel like? ----------------------------------------------.
9)   Where did they have their breakfast? ---------------------------------------.
10)What did they do at the second day of the trip? -------------------------------.

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